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Selectboard Minutes April 13, 2009
Town of Princeton, MA
Regular Meeting
April 13, 2009
The meeting was called to order at 5:00 PM.  Present were Chairman Raymond Dennehy, Joe O’Brien, Alan Sentkowski and Interim Town Administrator Jill Myers.
FY09 Warrant #21
The Board reviewed and signed the payroll and vendor warrants from the Treasurer & Accountant.

March 30, 2009 Regular Meeting – Alan made a motion to accept the minutes. Raymond seconded. Joe abstained (2-0).

Use of Town Flag Image
Stacey Belculfini is working on providing smaller versions of the town flag for homeowners and is seeking guidance from the Board on how to proceed. The First Congregational Church would like to take orders as part of a fundraising effort and the Historical Commission is also willing to assist.
Alan moved that any use of the town flag or image of the flag shall be approved by the Board of Selectmen and shall be used by town entities and non profit organizations within the town of Princeton. Joe seconded. All in favor (3-0).
Alan moved to accept the proposal of the First Congregational Church of Princeton to order flags. Joe seconded. All in favor (3-0). Stacey will represent the church.

Annual Town Election Warrant
Alan moved to approve the warrant for the Annual Town Election to be held May 11, 2009 at Town Hall Annex, 4 Town Hall Drive. Joe seconded. All in favor (3-0).
The Board signed the warrant.

Proposition 2 ½ Debt Exclusion
The Board is requesting proposition 2 ½ debt exclusion for the amount above the levy limit that the town is liable for from the ice storm. Everything storm related is being separated from the FY10 budget.

Public Lands Review Committee – Request from Princeton Historical Society
Joe Lee, Chairman of the Public Lands Review Committee was asked to review the sites for placement of historical memorial marker plaques.  Sites nominated were Meetinghouse Hill, Russell Corner and the Princeton Common. West Village is in the process of being nominated. Joe Lee is in favor of the locations. Joyce Anderson provided sample pictures of the plaques.
Joe moved to accept the proposal of historical plaques by the Historical Commission as recommend by the Public Lands Review Committee for the placement of plaques at Meetinghouse Hill, Russell Corner, Princeton Center and West Village. Alan seconded. All in favor (3-0). The Historical Commission will cover the cost.
FY08 Ice Storm – Tree Removal Process
Joe Lee put together a summary to inform the public of the status of trees in need of attention. Those trees have been marked. Experienced forestry personnel will review and determine if any can be saved.
The low bid to handle clean up of fourteen sites was $114,000. Wood must be measured by FEMA for accurate reimbursement. After that’s complete, the town will have the option to sell for firewood. The next meeting with FEMA will be held on Tuesday, April 21.

Request to Use Town Common – Princeton Firefighter’s & EMT’s Association
Ken Whitney, President of the Princeton Firefighter’s & EMT’s Association requested permission to use the Town Common to host the Wachusett Muster League Fireman’s Muston on Father’s Day, June 21, 2009 and to place a tote board outside the East Princeton Fire Station for fundraising efforts. Ken is also requesting permission to post signs advertising pancake breakfasts on May 10 and October 11, 2009.
Alan moved to approve the request for the Wachusett Muster League Fireman’s Muster on Father’s Day, June 21, 2009 and the sign for the fundraiser outside the East Princeton Fire Station and for the posting of signs for the pancake breakfasts. Joe seconded. All in favor (3-0).

FY10 Budget
Jill Myers reviewed the budget with the Board. Snow and Ice was put back to level funding. Everything is coming together and the budget now is balanced.

May 2009 Special and Annual Town Meeting Warrants
The Board reviewed the warrant articles. Jill informed the Board that the warrant must be in the mail by April 28, 2009. There was discussion about the language of the Planning Board articles. The reference to the sections in the bylaws being amended is missing. Brenda will work with the Planning Board to ensure the language is correct.

Board of Selectmen Meeting on April 21, 2009
A meeting will be held on April 21 for a review with Jill. April 22 is Jill’s last day as Interim Town Administrator. The Board will also sign the Annual and Special Town Meeting warrants.
Alan moved to go into executive session for the purpose of Collective Bargaining Strategy, not to return to regular session. All were in favor by roll call. (3-0).

Respectfully Submitted,

Brenda Savoie
Administrative Secretary